Visit ‘Food for Thought’

If you’ve not yet spent time looking through the images in the ‘Food for Thought’ section, check it out.  There is plenty of opportunity for introspection and reflection when you look at ‘Food for Thought’.

Food for Thought‘ is a collection of photos, images, lyrics, and quotes I’ve been collecting. I’m glad to finally be able to share them with you.

When you have a few minutes, browse the ‘Food for Thought’ section, and see what speaks to you. Some of the themes include “You are enough,” Relationships, Kindness, Beloved Pets, Healing, and original photos. 

Imagining Change (and Celebrating Imagination)

Imagining change is part of changing.

Change feels so hard for many of us. Sometimes, even imagining a change feels overwhelming. 

Imagining change is something to celebrate.

When we understand that fear of change can be the beginning of our journey, we can celebrate that we are imagining a change.

Imagining small steps I can take is something to celebrate.

Imagination allows me to move from “I can’t” to “I know I can do this one small thing.”

Imagining change is a step forward.

Imagining myself taking tiny steps is more important than I realize.

Imagining change is a step towards making the changes I want to make. 

1. Imagine the change you want to make.

2. Imagine how things will be in your life after you’ve done this.

3. Imagine one tiny action you can do easily and enjoyably that will take you one step closer to your goal.

4. Celebrate your imagination. Your imagination will take you far.

Welcome to Grateful Joy Coaching

Welcome to Grateful Joy Coaching

The name is based on the belief that choosing gratitude leads to joy.

The intention of Grateful Joy Coaching is that we will find it easy to choose gratitude, and we will discover we are delighted by joy.