
Deb Hord is the founder of Grateful Joy Coaching. She is a Registered Nurse, with a BSN degree, and has work experience with many age groups, as well as with persons who have intellectual challenges.

The majority of Deb’s acute care nursing experience has been in Palliative/Hospice Care and Psychiatric Emergency/Inpatient Units. She has a special love for mental health, and is interested in helping people learn tools to live more successfully.

Deb is a certified Laughter Yoga Leader, and has led groups in laughter for health and well being. She has studied Healing Touch Levels I, II, and III with Deborah Larrimore, founder of Healing Touch of the Carolinas and The Art of Care.

Deb trained as an Integral Coach with Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy, founded by Linda Bark, PhD. She is currently studying to take the Nurse Coach Board Certification exam, and is working to meet International Coach Federation certification requirements.

In years past, Deb worked as an airline employee, and had the life-changing opportunity of visiting parts of the USA and cities on several continents. She recently discovered a local Tai Chi class, and is now learning and practicing Tai Chi. She also enjoys walking in the woods, gardening, taking photos, working with stained glass, and reading with pets nearby.

Deb believes we humans are more alike than we are different. She believes most of us are basically good people who would benefit from reading, writing, and saying, “I AM ENOUGH,” until one day we realize we believe it. She hopes to return one day to writing and recording songs and sharing them with others. She would also like to have a hive of honeybees and a few chickens someday.

The photo of the yellow flowers at the head of this website was taken by the website creator.
All text and original photo content are property of Deb Hord and Grateful Joy Coaching. c.2023